One of the greatest websites ive found in awhile. Thank you Portland Monthly.

You definitely need to go check this baby out.

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I went to the beach last week, just to have an introvert day. My man was out of town, so it was the perfect excuse to go alone.

My favorite beach on the Oregon coast is Cape Kiwanda. A beautiful flat beach, framed on one end by a massive sand due, and outcropping of weathered sandstone while on the other end low lying sandy hills. I climbed said massive sand dune, and then i climbed down the other side, and i then i climbed back up, and down, and around and then i was very tired. I got some fantastic photographs, in spite of how out of shape i am. I took my film camera with me, and film photographs always end up being my favorite. I used my digital camera too, and some of the concepts that i had been struggling with in school finally came together in a brilliant "ah-ha!" moment, and landscape photography doesn't seem so difficult anymore. Who knew hyper focal distance could be so useful?

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I typically dont like to use photoshop a ton. Im not in to HDR Landscapes, and crazy effects, and removing every blemish from portraits to the point where the subject is no longer human. That being said it is pretty fun to know how, just in case I ever wanted to.

This was my project in photoshop class today.

The pink one is mine. :D

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You're welcome.

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So im a photographer. I like to take pictures of people, and i like to watch how expressions change from instant to instant. I love catchlights in the eyes. I love the transformation from awkwardness in front of the camera at the beginning of a shoot, to letting the model work the camera, just like they want to by the end. I love light, especially natural light, and i love people.

But here's the thing. Everyone else is a photographer too (thanks instagram). Average Joe, or Jane can pick up a camera, and take gorgeous pictures (thank you auto modes).  Hell, average Joe or Jane can pick up a phone and take a gorgeous picture.

Im consistently asking myself, what makes me different? What makes me better than instagram filters, and auto modes on digital SLR cameras? What makes me stand out from the crowd? Its a problem, im sure every artist struggles with. Artistic identity. As if i don't have enough identity struggles as it is, now im faced with an artistic identity. Is artistic identity separate from from lack of a better term regular identity? Are artistic identity, and regular identity, and spiritual identity separate as well, or is there some sort of perfect internal nirvana where they are all one?

I guess one cannot truly separate the spiritual identity and all other forms of identity, but being involved in the artistic community that i am, its so hard to explain that my artistic voice is inexplicably intertwined with my faith. My desire to show things that seem normal, or mundane in a light that shows the absolute glory in them, comes from the true Artist, who created something from nothing and made it beautiful. Its my faith that drives me, a sense of gratitude to the Maker for taking something as ugly as I, and reshaping me to be beautiful in his sight. What a God.

I was asked this week to think about my artistic identity, and write an artist statement and an "elevator speech" meaning, what i would say to someone if we were in the elevator together, and i had 20 second to tell them what i do. I was surprised, when my overwhelming feeling when asked to think about those ideas, was to pray about it, and ask the question "Maker, who am i as an artist? who do you want me to be as an artist?" and to pour out to him my artistic insecurities and identity issues. Can he use me as an artist? What is my voice? and how does that voice speak to his goodness?

I also get the feeling that this is a question to which there is no answer, at least not any time soon. Its a little frustrating, however, to know that I'm going to struggle with this for a long time.

Oh, and by the way, I went to the tulip farms on monday. I like photographing people more than flowers, but tulips happen to be an exception.

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Spring, and a baby

Normally im not a big person to take a lot of pictures of flowers. However, we've had a particularly warm week this week in portland, and the flowers are out like aint no one stoppin them. Im trying to remind myself, that its only the first day of april, and the weather is playing a mean april fool's joke on us because its going to get cold again. We pretty much still have 3 more months of winter before it gets warm enough to not wear leggings under my jeans. I did however enjoy the two days where the thermometer hit 75 degrees, and i actually had to shave.

Also, i have the cutest nephew known to man.

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The word i would use if i were to choose a theme for this Christmas.

The last two days have made me acutely aware of the brokenness around me. People who are standing in the ashes of lives that they though were so sturdy. People who lost children, and family members in senseless shootings. Those who think they have it all together but need you so badly. Those who have been to war and came back a different person.

My heart is heavy this Christmas season. My lack of faith in humanity leads me straight to the throne of Christ in tears, and as he holds me he says to me, as he so often does when i mourn "I never intended for it to be this way. This was not my plan. Mourn, and feel the depths of suffering in this situation, and more than that mourn that this isn't how its supposed to be, mourn the garden, mourn the curse, but take heart because one day i will make it all new."

For some reason, its always reassuring. If i think i hate the situation, God hates it more. He never wanted it either.

Enter Jesus. Born in a barn, sent to save the world in a totally unorthodox manner. For "Long lay the world, in sin and error pining till he appeared and the soul felt its worth." for me its "A Thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn." Never have those words been so poignant as this year.

I have a different perspective on christmas this year. Its a sense of relief. I stand and look at the brokenness around me and i am so relieved that Jesus was born, and have such a sense of thankfulness like never before. Im not just totally shit out of luck on this whole sin thing, and nether is anyone else. Im so relieved. Thank you so much, Jesus.

Out of the depths of sorrow comes a deep sense of joy that the savior was born. A juxtaposition that i will never understand, but am eternally grateful for.

O Holy Night
The Lights are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth.

Long lay the world
in sin and error pining
til you appeared
and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope,
a weary world rejoices
for yonder breaks
a new and glorious morn.

Fall on your knees

O hear the angel's voices

O night Divine

O night when Christ was born

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